
Fighting AI-powered synthetic ID fraud with AI

Aided by the emergence of generative artificial intelligence models, synthetic identity fraud has skyrocketed, and now accounts for a staggering 85% of all identity fraud cases.

AI-powered fraud

For security professionals, the challenge lies in staying one step ahead of these evolving threats. One crucial strategy involves harnessing advanced AI technologies, such as anomaly detection systems, to outsmart the very algorithms driving fraudulent activities. In essence, they should fight AI-powered fraud with more AI.

What can AI-powered fraud detection systems do?

Synthetic identity fraud surged by 47% in 2023, emphasizing the pressing need for proactive intervention.

AI-powered fraud detection systems leverage machine learning to identify fraudulent patterns accurately. For instance, anomaly detection algorithms analyze transaction data to flag irregularities indicative of synthetic identity fraud, continuously learning from new data and evolving fraud tactics to enhance effectiveness over time.

While synthetic identity fraud poses a common threat across industries, certain sectors, such as retail banking and fintech, are particularly vulnerable due to the prevalence of exploitative lending practices. By leveraging the predictive capabilities of AI, security teams can preempt potential attacks and safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized access.

Employ liveness detection for enhanced authentication

Liveness detection is critical for combating AI-driven fraud by offering a dynamic approach to authentication compared to traditional methods reliant on static biometric data.

To reinforce biometric verification security in the age of AI, liveness detection tests ensure that users are physically present and actively participating during the authentication process. This prevents fraudsters from bypassing security measures by using fake videos, images or compromised biometric markers.

Leveraging techniques like 3D depth sensing, texture analysis, and motion analysis, organizations reliably determine the user’s authenticity and prevent spoofing or impersonation attempts. By integrating this tool, organizations discern genuine human interactions from those orchestrated by bots or AI, using advanced AI algorithms to analyze real-time biometric indicators. This enhances security protocols and user experience while minimizing unauthorized access risks.

These advancements significantly enhance identity verification processes, guaranteeing unmatched accuracy and reliability. For instance, the financial services industry leverages this technology to streamline customer authentication, eliminating cumbersome paperwork and enhancing efficiency and security.

Similarly, the telecommunications industry benefits from liveness detection by curbing fraudulent activities. By verifying the authenticity of customers, organizations protect revenue and profits from scammers attempting illegitimate purchases.

Strengthen employee awareness and training

While technology is essential in fighting AI fraud, employees are also pivotal in an organization’s efforts to detect and prevent AI-based identity fraud. Employees can often be a company’s weakest link, as demonstrated by a recent incident involving a finance professional at a multinational firm who fell victim to a deepfake video of the company’s CFO, resulting in a $25 million payout to the fraudster.

It’s important to educate employees about common fraud tactics and how to identify and report suspicious activity – especially as generative AI makes it harder to discern what is real and trusted. Companies must provide comprehensive training on best practices for safeguarding sensitive information and recognizing social engineering attacks. Additionally, they should establish clear protocols for escalating suspected fraud attempts through appropriate channels to ensure prompt investigation and response.

Stay compliant

Keeping abreast of developing regulatory frameworks governing AI technology and fraud prevention is also crucial for effectively managing legal risks. Guidelines such as the EU’s AI Act provide essential frameworks for businesses to adhere to, applicable even to US companies doing business in the EU.

The growth of AI-based identity fraud has prompted governments worldwide to act. In addition to the US, countries including the UK, Canada, India, China, Japan, Korea and Singapore are in various stages of the legislative process regarding AI. With regulatory responses to AI fraud escalating, CCS Insight predicted that 2024 could be the year when law enforcement makes the first arrest for AI-based identity fraud.